- Name & Age: My name is Ville and I am 18 years old.
- Country: Finland
- Sof2 Names: KraBz
- Years of experience: Can't really say how long I have played and I've had times that I have not played sof2 at all, but how ever I started sof2 about 6 years ago.
- Gametypes: Infiltration mostly.
- Past clans: Too many that I can't even remember all of em.
- current clan!?(gametype): Current clan is MDK.
- Your motive for joining ||SaU||: My motive for joining SaU is that I would like to play more finca which ain't most common map to play anymore. And I don't find better way to do that than joining an finca clan. I know few players in SaU and I would like to play with them.
- Do you have mt/newest rpm?: Yes
- Are you PURE!: Yes, even tho I've been accused pretty much against it